Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A skank by any other name is just as skanky

Whenever I go to the bar or club, it's inevitable that my girlfriends and I comment on the skank factor de jour. So it makes me wonder...what is skanky?

Is revealing clothing? It can't be that alone, but probably a contributing factor.

Is an attitude? If so, can anyone be a skank? Can your 85 year old grandmother adopt a skanky attitude? I hope not!

Is it a personality trait? Some are proud of their skank status, while others try to hide it. Some people can turn it on and off, depending on the setting. So perhaps....

Is it an action? Does being loose and giving it up to anyone anywhere anytime define a skank? Some may use the labels whore, hoe, slut, etc...but I've always seen it this way. A slut is someone who follows through and is goal oriented. While a tease is just inconsiderate, selfish and lacks persistence. So hooray for the sluts out there! Way to get what you want, and help others get what they want too!

Is it a certain look? Does a skank require a certain degree of attractiveness, shape of body or size of chest? It can't be that alone, cause then many people would qualify.

Ah, it's late, and I can't come up with a definite answer. I guess this is one of life's mysteries that will remain unsolved...but invariably will be brought up each time I go to a club. Just wondering...


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