Sunday, May 22, 2005

I'd like a rack of 34 Ds with a side of ass please

I went to Republik Nightclub tonight with a girlfriend, just the two of us. A friend told me it was good and she had had a good time there, so I suggested that we check it out. We have issues about the place but that's not the topic of this posting. But the people there...the girls were as skanky as usual. But they were younger dirtier skanks...(is there such a thing as a clean skank?) but they're not even the topic of this posting. Instead, I'm agog at the boys who were there. Yes, I say boys, not men, not even guys. The label of guys is too nice for those who I saw tonight. It was like they had never been to a club where girls dance and dress was like they had never seen a girl before! One example, where a quite skanky girl was dancing on a platform, she was gyrating like she was somewhere between Electric Circus (what happened to that show?) and a strip club. Fine...whatever..., my gf and I giggled and just kept dancing. However, we saw these guys walk right up to them, hold their arms open and reach out and touch the girl. Their eyes were popping out, jaw to the floor, tongue sticking out and another anatomy part standing up and ready to go. He just touched the girl's thigh, like it was a cut of meat at the butcher or a coat at the store. Yeah, cause when I see a hot guy, I go right up to him and touch his abs and examine him! Give me a break! Another example, these 2 girls next to us were grinding with each other. Once again, not an uncommon occurrence and not even particularly skanky in my opinion. However, these 2 guys saw and pounced right on them. Surrounded them, rubbed their hands and looked like they were about to help themselves and dig in. They were reaching out for the girls like kids holding their hands out for toys. When 2 girls grind, is it a self-serve buffet for dirty perverted boys? When I dance with my gfs, is it an openly invitation to all the dirty boys in the club to rub their nasty body all over me cause they like what they see? That must be a party that I wasn't invited to. Is it unreasonable for girls to just dance with each other? Yes yes yes, I know it's a nightclub, and stuff happens. I'm not saint but I had never in my life seen such overt behaviour. Never! Am I missing something? Does this happen everywhere but I'm just oblivious to it?
Maybe I'm just naive...afterall, it is evian spelled backwards. But next time I go out and I see that behaviour, I feel like asking them if they'd like a side order of ass with their order of a rack of 34Ds in a low-cut halter? Cause perhaps in the clubs, boys are entitled to supersize their orders by adding on free side order. Clubs shouldn't be called meat markets, they should be called late night drive-through windows, where boys only can have unlimited refills of anything they see.


Blogger glor said...

It's a typical bar. I'm not going to trash the place. It was alright, if you want the typical club experience. But if you're getting a bit bored of the typical scene, then it's not a good place for you. It reminded me of the dirty dance club from university days...I think in St Catherines, there was a place call Big Bucks? Kind of like that. Fun if you're into it and into that crowd, kind of annoying if you're not.

11:02 a.m.  
Blogger glor said...

"If you go trolling in murky waters, you will get a dirty fish" That is the best line! So are dirty fish extra fishy smelling? EWWWW...You are my hero, Linda!

12:38 p.m.  

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