What a Week!!!

This has been the happiest week ever!
Last Friday, my mommy joined me after work for some shopping and then I took her out to a trendy restaurant and then we took the train home. That entire night, I felt so happy have such a sincere, fun, and mature conversation with my mom. And what made it the most special was that she seemed to really enjoy herself :)
Last Saturday, my mommy joined me again for some shopping in the afternoon cause I was at work in the morning at the Children's Christmas Party. We continued our lovely times together and then headed off to a wonderful family birthday dinner. We went to my favourite Chinese restuaurant and I was joined by both sides of my family and everyone got along fabulously. We don't get a chance to get everyone together too often and everyone was chatting, laughing, reminiscing, sharing...really lovely time. Things are good with my family when my uncles pulls out a photo of me when I was 4yrs old...the infamous picture that every relative has but he still keeps it in his wallet to this day. There are 3 people in this world who cherish that picture: my uncle, my mom and my dad. I just couldn't stop smiling and on the car ride home, I just kept talking and talking cause I was on such a high. Sometimes I feel like I don't get enough quality family time and although I try hard to push my family together, it doesn't always work. But for that one perfect night, it did and I loved every moment of it. It helped that my grandma was by my side and she kept turning to me thanking me for how much she was enjoying the evening :)
Last Monday, I wrote my final exam for my Managerial Accounting class and it went swimmingly well. I was so hyper after the exam - cause I was relieved it was over - but also cause I was wired from caffeine and my great weekend...I called everyone I knew within the area and wanted to see if someone would go out on a Monday night. Party poopers...
Last Tuesday, the parents joined me for dinner after work at my favourite restaurant in Toronto at the moment. As they were running late stuck in traffic, I just sat by the fireplace, sipped my wine, and just took everything in. The Mediterrean music and ambience added to my tranquility...couldn't have asked for a better birthday. And throughout the day, I was lucky to get birthday well wishes and I was just smiling. That night, as we drove home, we forgot to pick up my car at the train station (AGAIN) so after pulling into the driveway, we had to drive back to the train station. Oops...gotta stop forgetting about my car. And to end the night off, there was a message on the phone from LISA!!! I knew she wouldn't forget but I was still really excited to get her message, she's the BEST!
Last Thursday, I went out to dinner yet again with my parents and one of my dad's business clients and his wife. We had a really nice meal and the company was even better. Just a lovely evening....how many lovely evenings can a girl have within a 7 day period?
Yesterday, I had a nice dim sum lunch with my mom and grandma - it was my treat for them. I love my grandma so much because she is the one person in this entire world that smiles everytime she sees me. She is genuinely happy to see me and makes a point to show that and tell me how much she loves me. I honestly think she's my best friend! One problem though - as she was telling me how happy she is and how proud of me she is...she once again mentioned for me to hurry up and get married cause she's getting old and may not have too much longer. No pressure...
Finally, last night, I celebrated my Birthday in a big way! I had a room at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, we were going to dinner and then a club. At the hotel, Sheila & I went swimming and hot tubbing, lounged on the comfy beds as we ate bon bons and watched Dirty Dancing as we got ready and prettied ourselves. As my guests arrived at dinner, I was super excited. I haven't had one group of friends since highschool so I've never had the luxury of having my friends in one place. Last night was the first time, and my parents came to dinner too! It was a lovely time, I got to reflect on the wonderful people I have met and how good life is right now. After dinner, we went to a club and it was fun cause we had a booth and our own table of alcohol. It was a bit of a challenge to finish everything and I didn't want any of it to go to waste, cause afterall, there are so many starving children around the world. It was a struggle though, I tell you, but I managed. Surprisingly, didn't feel like crap last night or this morning. I'm quite proud of the fact that I managed to not kill myself on the walk from the club to the car cause slush + heels + too much alcohol = penguin walk. Thank goodness for Rob's arm. When Sheila & I got back to the hotel, I was as giddy as a gaggle of school girls...and then something inside me decided to switch everything off and collapse on my pillow. It was probably the best sleep I've had in weeks.
What a lovely week!
Oh, FYI: And now, with the birthday celebrations having concluded, the festiva season can officially begin. The holidays do not begin with the first fall of snow, the end of American Thanksgiving, nor when retailers start their holiday marketing campaign. It begins when my party is done. And now it is. The decorations whall be going up starting tomorrow. You are forgiven if you started early...we all feel the peer pressure from the media from time to time. I still love you though...Just don't do it again!
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