Advice for Living in Canada

I'm the proud host of 3 friends from Japan...they're not literally living with me but they are here and I feel a certain obligation to ensure they have a good experience, even though they are all in different corners of this country.
Madoka is in Halifax, Aiko is in Saskatoon, and Etsuko is in Edmonton. Now, how much fun can they have out there? Plenty...but I feel I need to give them some tips on living in Canada, with Canadians....etc
Cause during the first week Aiko was here, she wrote me that she was basically bored out of her mind cause there was nothing to do. Granted, she wasn't with a host family or living on campus...she chose to be more independent and rent as a normal student. Very brave of her...partly with my encouragement...but I'm very proud of her. But when she told how bored she was, I nearly crapped my pants with anxiety and guilt! What had I done? I had recommended her to go to Saskatoon to get a real English experience....what did I do?
Luckily, now that her orientation has begun, she's doing better. Poor thing, didn't know how the groceries worked, bought too much food for herself and was forced to eat a whole pack of chicken at once cause they don't use the freezer much in Japan. The concept just didn't occur to her...
So, let's give these gals some advice, OK? And be nice...and helpful please...I'm watching what you write...and keep the language simple, at least for the beginning.
Make sure you always use your screen on your windows and doors in Canada cause there are tons of mosquitoes at night in the summers. Maybe I was always drunk...but I never noticed any mosquitoes in Japan?!?!?! Tons of cockroaches on the streets...but no mosquitoes. Was I missing something? Just use bug spray if going out after 9pm. Have you heard of West Nile? Google can improve your vocabulary too.
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