The Cottage Life

Went up to a cottage last weekend and it was everything the cottage should be - crazy partying, good eats, lots of relaxing, driving home in traffic, being eaten alive at dusk... Here's a recap of events and of course, with my personal commentary. Before we get started, a big THANKS to Colin who was kind enough to allow stragglers like myself to visit his beautiful cottage. With that said, ah we go.
Friday: The drive up
Drove up, nothing too eventful except...I hate driving slow. If car were meant to go 100km/h, then why does the speedometer go up to 220km/h? It's like since we're born with 2 legs, why should we only use one of them and limp around all day like an idiot? I don't mind driving in traffic and going with the flow but...I'm not going to follow someone's car all the way up Hwy 400 for 90mins. Just not going to happen. When Colin offered to have us follow him up, I graciously declined because 1) his instructions seem pretty easy to follow 2) it's a pain to follow someone in steady traffic. However, as I was cruising along, Sheila decided to tell me to slow down cause Colin's car can't go that fast and she was all concerned that we would pass him and get there too early. I would have rather pulled over, eaten some crap to from the side of the road, and then drive again at 140km/h than to slow down! In the end, Colin didn't take his normal car and we were the last car to arrive on Fri night, but they had just beaten us by 15 minutes.
Friday: At the cottageCouldn't really see the view, met lots of people, starting drinking 5 minutes after arrival...just chillin and excited to be there. Dinner was served to a hungry first they all sat down on one side of the table and devoured their grilled chicken like it was an eating competition!
After dinner, had a big music jam with 5 guitars, 2 drums and a tambourine. I should've brought my triangle...would've should've could've! Sat out on the deck, went into the hot tub, stayed up late...perfect start to the weekend. And oh, btw, was drinking the whole time.
Saturday: At the cottage
During the day, had a yummy breakie, tanning, drinking, tanning, drinking, eating lunch, went on the boat and had try at tubing (one of 2 tubing virgins who gave it a valiant try! yeah girl power).
I was obsessed with documenting the sunset withphotos every 5 minutes. I got all artistic and tried to remember everything I learned in photography. What a loser I am!?!?! But I'm proud of my photos, it's one of my 'things'
In the evening, had a sing-along, got attacked by killer mosquitoes, made dinner (very good communal effort), the boys had a giant texas hold'em game (ROBERT WAS THE BIG WINNER, with the most STAMINA to outlast all the other boys). Was a loser and went to bed 'early' cause I was zapped from the sun and drinking all evening. But had a lovely wakeup call at 6am when everyone who hadn't gone to bed piled onto my mattress and we proceeded to have start the night for the second time. Eventually, I got rid of them but not after having some good laughs and then got a few more hours of sleep.
(This is Robert by the way)
Sunday: At the cottage
Everyone was in rough shape...except for those of us loser who went to bed early. Had another yummy breakie, played some cards indoors cause it started to rain, went into the hot tub when it cleared. I had planned to lay low Sunday in order to get out early and head home for softball...but that didn't happen. When will I ever learn! Got too tempted by the hot tub, went in, had a few drinks...which meant I had to wait longer before driving home. Smart move ! Eventually hit the road at at 5pm so we had to be lucky with the traffic to get back in time for softball...which of course didn't happen. Oh well, c'est la vie.
Good times...but don't know if I could spend every weekend at the cottage. I'd like to have the option to do so, but I'd miss the city. I found myself thinking I wanted to go to a Club! AH, soon, I may become a gino...