Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Fashion Advice Please!

Dear Friends:

I was having coffee with a friend today and we were truly stumped. Not about love, or our careers, or life in general. But we were stumped about my new shoes!

I'm not a trendy girl so please bear with me. I know what colour pants I should NOT wear with these shoes but I can't think of what I could wear. What colours can I wear with these shoes?

I love the shoes but I just don't know how to wear them?!?! Please help me before September 24th as there is a limit to when I can return or exchange them.

Thanks very much, really would appreciate the advice.

Sincerely yours,


You can't compare watermelons with grapes...

"This is our tsunami," said Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway.

When I read that headline on CBC, I was appalled. I was disgusted. I was offended. Now, before you think I'm being insensitive and am going on with my usual "I hate USA" speech, let me explain. I think it is absolutely devastating to lose your property, your home, your entire community...I cannot even imagine the sense of destruction people in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina are feeling right now. I truly am sympathetic.


I don't think it's fair to compare a global catastrophe that directly affected 2 continents, multiple countries including Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Thailand, and altered weather patterns all around the world.

Not to mention permanently changing the landscape of thousands of miles of coastlines.

Oh, and did I also mention that the tsunami killed an estimated 600,000 people, compared to 65 reported deaths so far. Even if this estimate is to increase as it is reported to, it will still not approach the figures seen in the aftermath of the tsunami.

And, perhaps you've heard, there were thousands who were left homeless and other thousands who have died since due to disease.

Plus the fact that the areas affected by the tsunami were among the poorest areas in the world to start with, at least much less affluent and than New Orleans.

Maybe if there wasn't there much to start with, the damage doesn't seem as bad? If the people were already living in poverty, is their loss not as great?

I sincerely hope that the mayor of Biloxi, Mr. Holloway, did not intend any disrespect for those who were affected by the tsunami. In fact, I'm quite certain his comment was just an expression of the shock and despair his city is feeling. But dear Mr. Mayor, you must see that your comparison is disproportionately out of place and severely misguided. I hope Mr. Holloway is a strong leader and will be able to guide the citizens of Biloxi out of despair and work with his neighbours, as well as federal and state governments, to rebuild from Hurricane Katrina.

But Mr. Holloway, please don't' compare watermelons with grapes...

Monday, August 29, 2005

An unexpected weekend!

Well, it was more like Saturday afternoon + evening in Montreal surrounded by 6 hours of driving each way combined with a general lack of sleep.

In the past, whenever I had big expectations for some plan, I was always inevitably disappointed due to a combination of factors: unrealistic expectations plus heightened drama and emotions. But to be honest, I was pleasantly surprised with how the weekend went. It didn't end up being a wild crazy drunken weekend but it was really....nice. It was a lovely weekend. Not lame, not boring...just nice.

So, for all of those who think I can't have fun without being drunk...HA! Although I did start my 'weekend' in Montreal with a B-52 coffee at 12:30pm...but hey, it was after a 6hr drive and I had woken up at 5:30am. Wouldn't you want a drink too?

(Do I look like I've had too many drinks? Of course now...the clear liquid was just H20)

Not to complain cause Lis hooked us up with her employee discount but let's just say Quality Inn lacked a big part of its name. It was an Inn...but it wasn't quality. A ghetto hotel room but with great location. But heck, a room with a mirror opposite to its queen bed can't be that bad, can it?

During the day, in Old Montreal, we saw six wedding parties doing their photographs. Funny enough...there was this party where the bridesmaids were wearing the same dress as I wore but in pink. And let me say this: Nicole, our dresses looked WAY hotter cause there's a reason why we didn't go with baby pink :) I'm such a b*tch, I know, I know...

It was Molson Indy weekend and there was a street party on Cresent. Since dance beats and hip hop/R&B doesn't exactly mix with Indy cars...the live bands were playing MY kind of music. The first one we heard played covers of Michael Jackson, Madonna, MJ, Madonna...I think I heard something else from the 80s, but then quickly reverted back to MJ and Madonna. Oh, and they played a little bit of "Hey Baby" which was absolutely fine with me! We were eating dinner during this band but I'm sure we would've had a blast singing and dancing along. Anyway, when the band is playing 3 ACDC songs in a row and you're having flashbacks to frosh week...now that's a party! And it also helped that I was frosh week for McGill so there were tons of screaming 18yr olds running around town doing things their parents would not approve of. Oh, to be frosh again...

Got some freebies, did a lot of people watching, saw some beautiful cars. A certain type of under 30yr old male goes to Indy events...I was very appreciate of the fact it was Indy weekend. I don't think Sheila was so impressed but I was! Oh by the way, Willy has been replaced! Now this is a BIG car...

One advantage of not partying late into the night was the fact that we could wake up early and go shopping at 10am! Very disappointed in the fact that the shops closed at 5pm on Saturday...prime shopping time wasted. But we got some last minute shopping done before making the long trek home. Less than 24hrs in Montreal...NOT what I had expected but exactly what I needed - a weekend away from all the drama this summer. Drama, drama, drama. It wouldn't be a summer without it but it drives me freakin crazy!

Friday, August 19, 2005

円 was here!

My friend Madoka came to visit me in Toronto. She had been studying English in Halifax for the past six months and is originally from Japan. I had met her in Shizuoka where she took English lessons from me while she was studying at university. But we were not only student & teacher, but we were friends too. It's creepy how many similarities we have, especially with our hobbies. We both love photography and traveling. LOVE, I mean LOVE!
- That's why she's my friend, my dear friend 円.

She only spent a week in Toronto before returning to Japan but she's only staying there for three weeks! After that, she's embarking on a two-month trip across South Eastern and Southern Asia. No wonder how everyone who met her commented that they could understand why we are friends! Have a good trip...Gambatte!
- That's why she's my friend, my dear friend 円.

(Madoka is on the right...the Japanese looking one)

When I went out with Madoka, I switched to English teacher mode...and I was quite strict about it too! I kept asking her to describe things she had seen, explain her impressions of the city. And almost every time I had to speak to someone, I got her to do it for me instead. "Madoka, ask the waiter for a dessert menu", "Madoka, ask for a transfer", "Madoka, ask for the bill", "Madoka, order my food for me"...and it's not like she's not capable of doing everything on her own anyway. While I was slaving away bringing home the bacon, she would wander around the city all by herself. Spending her time in cafes, parks, beaches, markets...But then again, I'd do that too.
- That's why she's my friend, my dear friend 円.

She went to Niagara Falls by herself last Friday in the midst of all those crazy thunderstorms and I put her on the casino tour bus full of old couples but heck, only $20 return. I was expecting her to call around 6:00-6:30 to pick her up but I didn't hear from her. Then 7:00 rolled around...and I started to wonder. I tried the cell phone I had given her but it went straight to voicemail. Perhaps the battery died? Perhaps she's in an area without signal and the bus is stuck in traffic due to the weather? She wouldn't be waiting around for me to pick her up, surely not! Finally, at 7:40, she called! What a relief...I didn't loose her! But she did go on a little adventure. Apparently, she slept past her stop and when she woke up, she told the bus driver she wanted to take the GO Train so she could get back to Mississauga. So, based on that, the bus driver told her to get off at York Mills Subway Station to catch the subway back down to Union and then take the GO Train. However, the bus driver didn't tell her that she had JUST missed her stop and was only in Etobicoke at that point, so she could've gotten off at Islington and just asked me to pick her up! Instead, being the independent girl with a crazy sense of adventure, she didn't want to 'bother' me and tried to make it back all on her own. I would have done that too. So, when she told me this little tale...I asked her all the question a responsible parent would: "Why didn't you call me"? She replied, "It's exciting to be lost". I smiled and laughed. That's what I would have done too.
- That's why she's my friend, my dear friend 円.

This is another example of why I love Madoka so much: while in Halifax, she bought a Djembe, an African drum, which she had first learned to play while in Japan. She's going to bring it with her on her trip throughout Asia, along with her backpack, while her friend who is traveling with her is bringing her guitar! I've never traveled with a drum...but I may. I just may...
- That's why she's my friend, my dear friend 円.

Madoka: I probably won't see you again in Canada or Japan (unless someone gets married but it won't be me), but I know 100% I'll see you again soon somewhere...maybe in riding on a donkey in Patagonia, on a night safari on the Serengeti, or maybe shopping for pottery in Marakesh...See you Madoka!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Magic of the Australian Skirt

Some friends and I went to Distrikt Nightclub on Saturday and I wore a skirt that I hadn't worn in something like 2 years. This is a special skirt, it's my Australian skirt. I wore it out all the time to the clubs in Australia and did all of my crazy-dancing-picking up-drinking-stumbling down the street.

I don't intentionally do these things anymore now that I'm back in Toronto (the key word is intentionally...). These things might seem normal to you but the strangest power this skirt had was the ability to attract attention from the male species (yeah for me!). So anyway, this power returned to me last Saturday but unfortunately, in a very unwanted way. Fine if guys want to come up to you and dance with you but is it really necessary to put their hands all over you as if were a piece of fruit at the market. Hmm...I'd like a melon, some peaches, let's see if this watermelon is ripe enough by pressing firmly. Are guys at clubs blind and trying to find their way around by sticking their hands out to try and feel the wall? Anyway, I know what you must be thinking. Yes, I do like the attention. I'm not even going to try and pretend I don't. But I was grabbed way too many times and I must therefore blame it on the skirt. Ha ha, how true when it's attention from someone you like, it's all good. But as a woman in the modern era, I must do my duty and bitch about sleazy guys. It's so fun!

But anyway, here's a recap of the night and for all of you who saw me the next day, this will make sense (Char, you missed it, but you can ask Simon!).

Found out last minute I was going to be designated driver...but whatever, I still had a great time. Danced, got grabbed, dance more, got grabbed more.

Danced with very drunk people, took pictures of those very drunk people. Had the inevitable drama when the drunk people were trying to find other drunk people who were M.I.A.

Then I decided to be dramatic myself and got all bitchy and decided to get pissed off at one of my friends. Cried and got angry in the bathroom, then felt stupid, made up, apologized to the boys, (and what a sweeheart, I got an apology too!), got happy again and continued dancing.

To make up for my diva behaviour, I decided to accept an invitation to go swimming at someone's house and drive my friends there at 2:30am! Stopped for pizza, the boys got stupid and hurt my poor car by making it squeal, gave Sheila a mini driving lesson on front-in parking. Went swimming and played with noodles, finally drove home at 4:30am, dropped everyone off at 5:30am...and then I went home and went to bed like a good girl.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

I Love Birthdays...but just not my own!

I went out to celebrate Robert's Birthday last Saturday. We went to C-Lounge and I was the lucky one to drive that night. But the place was very chill so it didn't really matter as much. There really was no dance floor so the spaces between the couches and tables were our dancefloor.

Here is the sexy birthday boy himself and his intense pose. We were trying to be like models with that very model look...from now on, we're going to pose like model every where we go and leave our legacy! Notice the hand on the chest - that was my idea.

My girl Sheila and I danced in circles but it was more like helping her stand upright and stumble from one person to the next. And somehow, looking back at all the pictures from that night, there were a lot of pictures of body parts...especially my body parts...W.T.F.? So this aerial view is nothing compared to some of the others!

One of the joys of writing my own blog is I can post whatever the heck I want. This picture is for you babe!

One of the reasons why I like going out with Sheila is cause she's the cheapest drunk I know. 2 drinks and a shot of tequila at the beginning of the night (never smell it before you drink it babe, never ever ever...) and she was good to go, minus the stumbling part...

Robert had a group of his friends out for the night and he had a really good time, which is what matters. We tried to make it as fun as possible for him and this picture basically sums up the kind of night it was.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

10 Reasons Why I Must be a Slacker for the Rest of My Life...

10) It keeps me humble....yes, humble...

9) I can read lots of books and become smart, S.M.R.T.

8) It would really piss my parents off...and that is the reason why they had me in the first place! I couldn't do that to do, it would be so selfish of me!

7) I can have more time to work on my tan.

6) My father always says that we must always reach for our goals...so if I achieve all of my goals, then life would have no purpose. We wouldn't want that now, would we?

5) If being inebriated is socially unacceptable and physiologically harmful, then I must maintain the agreed upon rate of alcohol consumption developed in collaboration with my friend, Aiko. 1 drink per 45 minutes (based on our established tolerance levels, ethnicity, height, weight, etc.) will keep us 'happily drunk' and allow us to remain supremely friendly while being keenly observant. This consumption ratio takes a lot of time, time that only a slacker would have.

4) There are so many young Chinese girls whose dream is to become the first female visible minority Prime Minister of Canada...I can't crush their dream and do it myself! THINK OF THE FUTURE PEOPLE...THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

3) Some people may get really jealous of me and I wouldn't want to trigger the ugly side of their personalities...this ugliness revealed might cause some psychological breakdown which could then lead to career stagnation, familial disturbances and overall social disruption.

2) If I earn millions and billions of dollars, shopping wouldn't be as fun because there wouldn't be anything beyond my budget and the fun would be taken out of making irresponsible impulsive purchases. No guilt, no abuse of return policies, or hiding my purchases.

And the #1 reason why I must be a SLACKER for the rest of my life...

1) I can't be constantly mentioned in the media because my last name doesn't add much value to the style and rhythm of journalism. For example, "So said the location is being made possible..." just sounds silly. Check out this article, where this theory is clearly demonstrated, in which my brother was quoted (http://www.thedailytimes.com/sited/story/html/212624) - I'm so proud of my big brother!